Our Mission: To improve Bandera County health by providing medical care to eligible residents and promoting health education. The vision of the Arthur Nagel Community Clinic is to provide healthy living for every person.
Bandera County Helping Hand began construction of a medical clinic in August 2007, with completion scheduled for early 2008. As far back as 2003, Helping Hand's Board of Directors began discussing the need for a free medical clinic for the people of Bandera County. At the dedication of Helping Hand's new Crisis Intervention Center on March 27, 2004, Board President Comellia Rue confidently announced, "Our next building will be a medical clinic." But nobody knew where the money would come from.
In 2005, the opportunity to proceed with plans presented itself in the form of a challenge gift of $150,000 for the clinic. The gift was from Arthur Nagel of Kerrville. Fundraising and building committees were organized. The Building Committee, led by Bill Bringhurst, hired an architect, Robert Pizzini, and together they developed a project budget of $658,800. In 2006 and 2007, the "Fun" Raising Committee, under the leadership of Pat and Cindy Breedlove, raised $127,000 locally for the clinic's first year of operation.
The Helping Hand Board appointed Al Fremland, M.D. to head up a third group, the Equipment Committee, to purchase necessary equipment and supplies. The Clinic Advisory Council, shared by Dan Wise, which was charged with the administrative responsibility for opening the clinic, morphed in the the Operations Committee, which set clinic policies, recruited medical Director Saleh Jaafar, M.D., as well as volunteers, and hired the staff.
Acting on the advice of counsel, the Helping hand Board formed a separate nonprofit corporation to oversee the operation of the clinic. Members of the Operations Committee and others were invited to become clinic directors. The new Board filed its Certificate of Formation with the Texas Secretary of State on July 24, 2007. The IRS 501(c)(3) designation was granted January 24, 2008. The clinic opened its doors to patients on Monday, May 12, 2008.
Since that time, the clinic has become an essential community asset. In its first few months of operation, the clinic averaged 64 patient visits a month; it now averages 245 patient visits a month as of 2013. In 2008 the Clinic had three permanent employees. As of 2014, the clinic has seven full time employees and four part-time employees.

Arthur W. Nagel, 1920-2010
Arthur Nagel was not a wealthy man. He did not live in Bandera or have any particular ties to Bandera County. What he did have was trust in God and compassion for people who are suffering.
And out of that compassion he left a legacy for uninsured families in Bandera County that will benefit our community for decades to come, or maybe for generations.
The Helping Hand Board of Trustees had long dreamed of being able to build a medical clinic for Bandera County's underserved population. Thankfully this dream turned into a plan, and that plan came together quickly. Arthur agreed to make an immediate gift of $150,000 to construct the shell of the building, with complete faith that other funding would follow. Helping Hand agreed to provide the land, and raise the other $600,000 required for the project. Arthur Nagel's lead gift provided all the impetus that was needed. In less than twelve months Helping Hand had raised all the funds necessary to build the Clinic and operate it for a year. In their gratitude, the Helping hand Board named it the Arthur Nagel Community Clinic.
Mr. Nagel died on August 5, 2010.
Arthur Nagel Community Clinic
Physical Address: 1116 12th Street
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 519
Bandera, TX 78003
To make an appointment or to reach administration offices, please call (830) 796-3448