Monetary Donations! We are so grateful for any amount of donations you wish to donate to us. All donated monies will be put to good use in our community programs, including: School Supplies, Emergency Food Boxes, Electric Bill Assistance, Emergency Home Assistance (flood/fire), Holiday Food Boxes, Christmas Children Program and more. When monies run short, programs have to be temporarily shut down, so your donations are really important to Helping Hand and our community of Bandera.
Please give today by clicking on the Donate Button. We welcome any amount, as every little bit helps us to continue to offer our services to those in need. PayPal accepts all major credit cards and you can even use money that you have in your PayPal account! Keep in mind that we are a 501(c) 3 nonprofit corporation and you are entitled to a tax deduction for your generous contributions. Donate to Helping Hand today by clicking below:

We currently have 15 volunteers. A few more would certainly ease our workload, so please consider coming in to visit and assist us. There is always something to do from sorting donations to stocking our food pantry for the people we serve. Even if you can only spend a couple of hours a week or a month, we would enjoy having you come in and help!
Helping Hand Thrift Store is open Monday- Friday from 9am-4pm. It is the most visible program and serves the most people. Last year, more than 3,500 and that number continues to grow in our larger facility. The Thrift Shop provides more than half of our Center's annual revenue which operates solely on community contributions of unwanted items. Remember to keep Helping Hand in mind the next time you clean out a closet or the garage!